Looking for fun traditions to do this May Day?

- Wed 27 Apr 2022

May Day bank holiday is around the corner and for some this may be another day to organise as the children are off school. We have put together a handful of ideas that you can do at home whilst keeping up with the traditions of May Day!

  • 1- Some of you may be aware that the 1st of May is known as “May Day” and traditionally involves dancing around a May pole. A May pole is a tall wooden pole that is erected with colourful ribbons coming off of it for dancers to hold whilst dancing around the pole. This is something you can get creative with to make with the whole family or if you are looking for less mess, something like a washing line in the back garden would also be as effective!
  • 2- Now that you have your May pole sorted, the next step is to create a May pole dance. This traditionally involves lots of skipping and the use of a May Day stick. Again this is something fun for the whole family to join in with and I’m sure it’s going to leave you all smiling. Go out and find a fallen branch whilst you are on a walk around the woods, grab some ribbon and maybe even some jazzy fabric and get creating. Just make sure you have some folk music and you are all set!
  • 3- All there is left to do is to make your costumes, this is the fun bit! Grab an old headband and some real or fake flowers and start creating your very own flower crown. This is a fun filled activity for all to enjoy and something that doesn’t need to just be done around May Day.

If you do end up taking part in any of the above activities please do end us a picture on our Bradleys Estate Agent Ltd Facebook page, we would love to see your creativity whilst also celebrating the traditions of May Day!